Delphi, GR
Partly Cloudy

White kylix with representation of Apollo: Apollo is shown holding a lyre made of tortoise shell, with seven strings, and a libation phiale. Crowned with a laurel wreath, the god wears white chiton, red himation and leather sandals. He sits on an ornate seat with crossed legs terminating in lion’s paw feet. Perhaps the black bird is identified with the raven which, according to the myth, announced to the god the marriage of his lover, the nymph Coronis. It dates from 470 BC.

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Weather @Delphi

Partly Cloudy
07:4118:49 EET
Feels like: 12°C
Wind: 8km/h N
Humidity: 69%
Pressure: 1025.06mbar
UV index: 0
16°C / 10°C
16°C / 9°C
17°C / 8°C
