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The educational programme “From the Nymph Amphissa to Lenio of Charmaina: Women of a glorious city.” aims primarily to highlight the significance of women but also their multifaceted and pivotal role through time, by laying emphasis on the cultural heritage of Amphissa, the “largest and most renowned city of the Locrians”, according to the traveller Pausanias.
It involves two interactive applications, a jigsaw puzzle and a memory card game, and intends, through the exhibits of the Archaeological Museum of Amphissa, such as figurines, vases, metal artefacts, lamps, jewels, miniature theatrical masks, sculptures, coins and inscriptions, to trace the life of the city and the wider region.
Through thematic units, such as building activity, domestic life, eating habits, occupations of men and women, the world of children, public life, burials, religion, theatre, dance and music, the multiple roles of women in society during antiquity, and their input to the cultural and social development of the area are stressed.
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