Delphi, GR
Partly Cloudy

Miniature theatre mask: It is the mask of a young man with rich hair framing his face. The facial features convey the emotional intensity of the portrayed character. The mask depicts male character types of New Comedy (4th-3rd c. BC), such as the miserly young man or the beardless youth with the curly hair, delineating typical scenes of the life and morales of the time. It dates between the 3rd and the 1st c. BC.

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Weather @Delphi

Partly Cloudy
06:2920:23 EEST
Feels like: 13°C
Wind: 3km/h NNW
Humidity: 81%
Pressure: 1011.51mbar
UV index: 0
19°C / 9°C
21°C / 9°C
23°C / 10°C
