Sphinx of the Naxians: The Sphinx, a mythical monster with the head of a woman, the body of a lion and the wings of a bird of prey, was dedicated by the people of Naxos to Pythian Apollo (Pythios) in order to be granted the privilege of promanteia, namely the right to consult the oracle first. The Sphinx rested on a towering Ionic column, around 10 m in height, whereas the entire votive offering was 12 m high. The statue, made of Naxian marble, had been installed on the site of the sanctuary of Gaia, the most ancient place of worship in Delphi, right below the temple of Apollo. In antiquity, it was believed that creatures, such as the Sphinx, warded off evil. It dates from 560 BC.

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07:4518:43 EET
Feels like: 12°C
Wind: 10km/h N
Humidity: 63%
Pressure: 1030.48mbar
UV index: 0
21°C / 10°C
21°C / 8°C
20°C / 8°C
