The early Archaic Period

In the 6th century BC Delphi enjoyed a period of prosperity. The immovable property of the sanctuary increased, while the priests of Delphi gradually gained political power and through the oracular statements they succeeded in interfering in the political affairs of the city-states. This new situation had an impact on the dedication of valuable offerings by cities, federations, tyrants and rulers.

Among the earliest sculptures offered to the sanctuary are the two kouroi, probably identified as the sturdy brothers from Argos, Kleobis and Biton.

One of the oldest buildings dedicated to the sanctuary of Apollo was the Treasury of the Sicyonians. The building was decorated with metopes depicting episodes from the Greek mythology, such as the abduction of Europa by Zeus who had transformed himself into a bull, the Calydonian boar hunt, scenes from the voyage of the Argonauts, and others.

Evidently, bronze votive offerings continued to be dedicated. Among them stand out the statuettes of kouroi, the plaques featuring mythological scenes affixed onto the surface of vessels or pieces of furniture, and the ochana, namely bands fastened onto the underside of the shield, decorated with mythological representations.

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