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The educational programme “In search of my own prophecy” includes two interactive applications, a jigsaw puzzle with three difficulty levels, as well as a game that involves memory cards with two difficulty levels.
The depicted objects in the applications are on display at the Archaeological Museum of Delphi and span the period from the 7th c. BC to the 2nd c. AD. They are made of marble, clay and precious metals, such as gold and bronze, and they were dedicated by the faithful to Apollo Pythios (Pythian Apollo). Their donors, Greeks and foreigners, resorted to the oracle with the rich votive offerings to seek advice. Excavations have brought to light only a small part of these offerings, which today reveal to visitors the magnificent heritage of Delphi.
On the same page you can find the content of the educational museum dossier of the programme “In search of my own prophecy” and, more specifically, printed material for students and educators, an anthology of texts on Delphi, a brief guide to the archaeological museum, a text on oracular statements, as well as a detailed timeline.
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