Delphi, GR

Salle 10

In this hall are exhibited the architectural sculptures from the Tholos of Delphi, a building of unique elegance, circular in plan, dating back to the 4th century BC. The Tholos dominated the sanctuary of Athena Pronaia and today arouses the interest of visitors due to its unusual shape, but also because it has been partly reconstructed. It was built between 380 and 370 BC. Its peristyle consisted of 20 Doric columns and the interior of the cella featured 10 or 13 Corinthian half-columns. Its exact function of the building remains unknown. It was decorated with metopes, with representations of the Amazonomachy and the Centauromachy on the exterior and the Labours of Heracles and Theseus on the inner frieze. The Nike acroteria recall specifically similar figures from the Asclepieion at Epidaurus.

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Weather @Delphi

07:4518:43 EET
Feels like: 12°C
Wind: 10km/h N
Humidity: 63%
Pressure: 1030.48mbar
UV index: 0
21°C / 10°C
21°C / 8°C
20°C / 8°C
